
Last update: 2024-08-28

Privacy Policy

This personal data processing document ("Personal Data Processing") regulates the processing of personal data provided by users (the "User" or "Users") of the website (the "Website") owned by Nivel13 ("synchrnzr"). You can consult the information related to synchrnzr in Legal Notice and Conditions of Use.

Content and acceptance

The purpose of this Personal Data Processing document is to make known the way in which personal data collected through the Website is collected, processed and protected, so that Users can determine freely and voluntarily if they wish to facilitate their personal data through this Website.

Access to and use of the Website implies full acceptance by the User of this Personal Data Processing document and is obliged to fully comply with the terms and conditions contained therein. Therefore, the User must carefully read this Personal Data Processing document on each of the occasions in which he intends to use the Website, since it may undergo modifications.

This Personal Data Processing document will only be valid for personal data obtained on the Website, and will not be applicable to information collected by third parties on other web pages, even if they are linked by the Website.

Responsible for the file and processing of personal data

In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data and its development regulations, the User is informed that the data collected through the Website and/or any The data collection forms of the Website will be incorporated into the personal data files owned by David Font Moragas with registered office at Carrer de Salses 122, 1-1, 08031 - BARCELONA, to manage the User's navigation through the Website, in your case; as well as for the purposes indicated in each of the forms included in the Website.

synchrnzr guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data provided and compliance with all regulations applicable to that effect.

So that the information provided is always updated and does not contain errors, the User must communicate, as soon as possible, the modifications and rectifications of their personal data that occur.

Likewise, by clicking on the "Send" button (or equivalent) incorporated in the aforementioned forms, the User declares that the information and data provided in them are accurate and truthful.

Data transfers

synchrnzr will not communicate the User's personal data to third-party companies without obtaining their prior consent, unless the transfer of their data is necessary to maintain the relationship with the User, in which case they will be previously informed of the aforementioned transfer.

In any case, when the transfer is not necessary to maintain the relationship with the User, in the data collection forms synchrnzr will inform the User of the purpose of the treatment and the identity or sectors of activity of the possible assignees of the data. personal data, previously offering the User the possibility of accepting or not the transfer, depending on the purpose.


Like other websites with commercial content, the Website uses a technology called "cookies". Detailed information on how synchrnzr uses cookies is available to the User in the Cookies Policy. You can consult the Cookies Policy here.


synchrnzr informs you that the User may revoke the consent given for the processing of their data, at any time, by sending the notification to or David Font Moragas, Carrer de Salses 122, 1-1, 08031 - BARCELONA.


The Website may contain links to other web pages. Please note that synchrnzr is not responsible for the privacy and data processing of other websites. This Personal Data Processing document applies exclusively to the information collected on the Website. We recommend that you read the data processing policies of other web pages that you link to from our Website or that you visit in any other way. You can also obtain more information about our link policy in our Legal Notice.


The personal data that synchrnzr may collect through the Website or through the different communications that it maintains with the User will be treated with absolute confidentiality, with synchrnzr committing to keep it secret and guaranteeing the duty to keep it, adopting all the necessary measures. that prevent their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation.


synchrnzr has implemented and maintains the highest levels of security required by Law to protect the User's personal data against accidental loss and unauthorized access, treatment or disclosure, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed. The User can check the synchrnzr Security policy here.

Exercise of rights

The User may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, in those cases in which it is possible, and opposition, to the processing of their personal data by sending a written notification, attaching a copy of a document that prove your identity, to the following address or David Font Moragas, Carrer de Salses 122, 1-1, 08031 - BARCELONA.

For any questions related to this Privacy Policy document, the User may contact synchrnzr through that same address.